Discovering the World: the best tourist routes Carpathians

Tourist routes

Mount Sinyachka 31.05.2024  ·  Tourist routes

Mount Sinyachka

The picturesque gently sloping Mount Sinyachka (height – 1400 meters) belongs to the Gorgany mountain range. This mountain looks like a typical Gorgan mountain, that is, there are mainly stone placers overgrown with lichen; trees and shrubs... More

Mount Khomyak 31.03.2024  ·  Tourist routes

Mount Khomyak

Mount Khomyak (height – 1542 meters), located in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, belongs to the Gorgany mountain range and is one of the most famous mountains of the Ukrainian Carpathians. From our hotel “Chillax” the distance to this... More

Mount Yagidna 06.02.2024  ·  Tourist routes

Mount Yagidna

A hike to Mount Yagidna (height – 1216 meters) is an ideal option for an easy walk in the mountain Carpathians. The great advantage of hiking this mountain is the ability to do it at any time of the year. The route is classified as easy,... More

Dovbush path 16.02.2023  ·  Tourist routes

Dovbush path

If you are looking for a not too long, but very interesting route, the “Dovbush path” in Yaremche is ideal (at the same time, do not confuse the “Dovbush path” and “Dovbush rocks”, which are located near the village of Bubnyshche,... More

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