Discover the natural wonders of the Carpathian Mountains

Natural objects

Carpathian national nature park 15.03.2024  ·  Natural objects

Carpathian national nature park

If you decide to relax in the Carpathians and choose our guest house “Chillax” in the village of Yablunytsia to stay here, then this will be the right choice! After all, there are all the conditions for a complete and comfortable holiday. In... More

Animal enclosure farm in Yaremche 29.09.2023  ·  Natural objects

Animal enclosure farm in Yaremche

The Carpathian National Nature Park’s animal enclosure farm is located on the southwest outskirts of the town of Yaremche. It occupies a significant area (5.3 hectares) divided into several zones where you can see many different animals and... More

Elephant rock 04.05.2023  ·  Natural objects

Elephant rock

The Elephant Rock is located in the Gorgany mountain range on the western slopes of Mount Makovytsia (height – 984 meters). It is situated on the Prut River to the east of the central part of Yaremche in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. According... More

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