The Elephant Rock is located in the Gorgany mountain range on the western slopes of Mount Makovytsia (height – 984 meters). It is situated on the Prut River to the east of the central part of Yaremche in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. According to scientists, this rock was formed millions of years ago and consists of Cretaceous flysch rocks (a type of marine sedimentary rocks). The rock has very little vegetation.

If you look at the rock from a distance, you can see a large elephant silhouette on the flysch rock. This is why it was named “Elephant”. The view of this rock with the elephant image is so unique that tens of thousands of tourists visit every year to admire this natural wonder.

Our guest house “Chillax” in the village of Yablunytsya is just over 30 kilometers from the Elephant Rock. You need to get to the center of Yaremche, and then go to Podskelna Street, which leads to the river embankment with this unique natural monument located on the other side of the Prut River. It should be noted that there are no active entertainments around the Elephant Rock, but you can have a great rest here and enjoy the beauty of the coastal landscapes in peace and quiet!

Where is located

Yaremche, Ivano-Frankivsk region.

Location on the map