The Bukovel ski resort, located just over ten kilometers from our Chillax guest house, offers a lot of entertainment for thrill-seekers. One of the most extreme of these is the Bike Zip attraction, where everyone is invited to ride a bike along a cable car stretched at a height of 30 meters above the Lake of Youth!

It is worth noting that today this is the only attraction of this kind in Europe, and in the world it is the longest – its length is 560 meters! The bike rolls along a steel cable on its own wheels, which have metal guide protectors instead of tires. A special tension turnbuckle in combination with tandem carriages creates the necessary tension and does not allow the bike to come off the cable guide. An ultra-reliable professional insurance system is used to protect cyclists.

The attraction is completely safe for participants, any excesses are simply excluded here. The restrictions for participants are minimal: age – not less than 10 years, height – not less than 140 centimeters, weight – up to 100 kilograms. The most important thing is to have strong nerves and not be afraid of heights! A huge dose of adrenaline and indescribable emotions are guaranteed! And what panoramic views you can see from a height of 30 meters! Don’t miss this chance! Bike Zip is waiting for you!
Where is located
Polianytsia, Bukovel, Ivano-Frankivsk region.