Lake Nesamovyte (meaning “furious, wild, mad”) is one of the highest lakes in the Ukrainian Carpathians, because it is located at an altitude of 1750 meters above sea level. This uniquely beautiful reservoir is located in the northeast of the main ridge of the Chornohora Range (along which the administrative border between the Ivano-Frankivsk and Zakarpattia regions passes).

It is reliably known that Lake Nesamovyte is of glacial origin (earlier there was a huge glacier, under the weight of which a depression was formed, which is filled with atmospheric precipitation). Its length is 88 meters, width – 45 meters, depth – up to 1.5 meters. Interesting fact: in its outlines, Lake Nesamovyte resembles the continent of Antarctica. Several streams flow out of this reservoir, which are tributaries of the Prut. It is worth noting that the water temperature in it, even in the hottest weather in summer, does not exceed 12 degrees.

There are no fish in Lake Nesamovyte, but here you can see a nimble frog, which is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. Deer, wild boars, martens, brown bears, salamanders and other animals live in the forests around the lake. There are also many birds: thrushes, wood grouse, peregrine falcons, accentors. So, if you go on a hike to Lake Nesamovyte, you have an excellent chance to admire not only the lake itself, but also to see many representatives of the animal world, including very rare ones.

There are many legends and superstitions associated with Lake Nesamovyte. For example, many locals believe that the souls of suicides live in this reservoir, who from time to time arrange ritual dances; therefore, they say, one should never swim here, throw stones into the lake or have noisy parties on the shore, so as not to inadvertently anger the dead sinners and not to call down a strong hurricane, as well as a rockfall from the nearby mountains. Moreover, evil spirits can even drag the violator of their peace to the bottom of the lake!

Lonely people are advised to wash themselves with water from this lake – and then you will surely meet your betrothed within the next year. So, if you are lonely, be sure to visit Lake Nesamovyte and wash yourself with water from it. And, quite possibly, you will be lucky and soon you will find your other half. Just don’t dive! In this case, the belief goes, you risk never finding your beloved!

Please note: the weather here is very changeable. It often happens that there is calm weather and the sun is shining brightly, and literally 20-30 minutes later a hurricane wind with rain or wet snow comes, lightning flashes, and powerful peals of thunder rumble. Therefore, be prudent, and be sure to take with you on a hike to Lake Nesamovyte the appropriate things in case of severe weather!

It is about 30 kilometers from our guest house “Chillax” to Lake Nesamovyte. The best route: go through the village of Vorokhta to the tourist base “Zaroslyak”. From there you will need to walk about 6 kilometers along the marked route. Just carefully follow the signs so as not to get lost, and in a couple of hours you will come to Lake Nesamovyte – a real pearl of the Carpathians, created by nature!

Where is located

Vorokhta, Ivano-Frankivsk region.

Location on the map