A family vacation in the Carpathian mountains can become a real holiday event for both children and parents themselves. It will be a great time when you can be with the whole family among the pristine nature and chat with each other on a variety of topics. In the incomparable Ukrainian Carpathians, you can enjoy the fresh healing air and the extraordinary silence that awaits you here.

Что взять с собой на отдых с детьми, отправляясь в Карпаты?

So choose the best place in the mountains for a vacation with children, book a cozy comfortable room in advance (of course, we hope that this will be our guest house “Chillax” 😀), make a plan for your pastime for the entire vacation period (although, of course , there are many people who like to do everything spontaneously), collect all the necessary things and come to us in the Carpathians!

What things do you need to take with you when going on a family vacation to the Carpathians in the warm season?

Before traveling to the mountains, we advise you to make a list of necessary things that you should take with you to the Carpathians, especially if you are going to rest with your children. Such a list is not long, but these are the main things without which you cannot go mountain hiking. Those who have already been in the mountains know well: the weather here is constantly changing, in the morning the air can be very warm and pleasant, and in the afternoon it will suddenly rain and it will already be very cool.

In order to properly prepare for a holiday with children in the mountains, it is worthwhile for the whole family to decide in advance what exactly you will do there: climb the mountain peaks or it will be short hikes and walks along easy, simple routes with stunning views of the nearby surroundings. It is quite obvious that if you go on vacation with small children, you will not go with them to the tops of the high Carpathian mountains. However, even with such children you can have a great time in the Carpathians.

In any case, try to choose the right clothes and shoes. You must have a raincoat, warm clothes, gloves in your luggage, as during the trip the weather can change dramatically. Of course, when going to the mountains, do not forget to take a flashlight, a compass and a power bank with you, thanks to which you can charge your mobile phone in case of any problems (for example, you lose your way and get lost).


In fact, a flashlight is also available in most smartphone models. But it is worth considering – if you use the built-in flashlight for a long time, the phone will be completely discharged quite quickly. In addition, it is worth taking a supply of food and drink with you, thanks to which you can hold out with the children for several hours in difficult conditions.

From food and drinks to short mountain hikes, we recommend taking (at least) your choice:

  • cookies, bread or crackers;
  • chocolate (preferably black), gozinaki or energy bars;
  • nuts and dried fruits;
  • mineral or plain drinking water in bottles.

For walking along mountain trails, it is advisable to have comfortable sports shoes (and not new, but already trampled) – it is best if these are trekking sneakers or boots. Otherwise, you and your children may have calluses, corns or abrasions, which for a few more days will be a very painful reminder of your own carelessness. Read our blog post – mountains for beginners: 12 useful tips.

Camping first aid kit: what must be there

A first aid kit should be a must-have piece of equipment on every hike. This is another item that should be in your backpack. In such a first aid kit, be sure to put:

  • elastic bandage;
  • non-sterile gauze bandage;
  • waterproof plaster (in a roll);
  • bactericidal plaster;
  • alcohol wipes;
  • cotton pads;
  • antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green);
  • painkillers (analgin, citramon);
  • antispasmodics (no-shpa, spazmalgon)
  • antidiarrheals (loperamide, nifuroxazide);
  • absorbents (White or activated carbon, sorbex);
  • ammonia solution (ammonia);
  • medicines for individual purposes (in the presence of any chronic diseases);
  • medical gloves (nitrile).

Походная аптечка: что там обязательно должно быть

Don’t forget to bring toilet paper with you – you may need it. How can you do without it? An optional, but desirable thing that is also useful when hiking in the mountains is a good camera with a powerful zoom lens. It is with him that you can take the most beautiful photographs that will remain as a memory for you and your children for a lifetime. With this camera, you can also capture wild animals and unique plants, many of which are listed in the Red Book 😀

Route planning

Naturally, on the eve of a trip to the mountains, you need to plan a route along which you will travel with children. Of course, such a trip along mountain paths should correspond to the capabilities of your children. You can easily take older children with you to the higher parts of the mountains, and with kids it is better to go only to places that are not too far from the guest house.

However, if you have a suitable stroller or carrier, you can take other comparatively longer routes, even with babies. But in any case, remember: do not take risks! The risk, of course, is a noble cause, but you should try to completely eliminate it if you go with children along mountain trails!

Планирование маршрута

You probably know this well yourself: small children get tired quickly, so choose only simple and not too long routes, including equipped places where you can relax. In the Ukrainian Carpathians and, in particular, not far from our village Yablunytsia, there are many such accessible routes. Mountain trails there are equipped with special markings and information boards.

During such a trip, you will be able to teach children the rules of behavior in nature and the basics of ecology. This is the most appropriate time to explain to them: in the mountains and the forest, they don’t shout, they don’t litter, they don’t tear flowers and wild plants that are under protection. Thus, children will learn to respect the surrounding nature and will be able to fully enjoy its beauty.

Where to find a cool place in the mountains for families with children?

If you are interested in the question of where you can find the best place in the mountains for families with children, we have good advice for you. Many people decide to go to the famous Bukovel resort. However, it is constantly quite crowded there and the prices for everything are exorbitant. Wouldn’t it be better to choose a place where you can pay much less for accommodation and meals, and at the same time fully enjoy the beautiful views of pristine nature and fresh healthy air?

So, if you are wondering where to go on a cheap vacation with children, you should think about a trip to our village Yablunytsya – it is located very close to Bukovel; while here everything is much calmer, quieter and cheaper. Here you can visit nearby sights, mountains, forests, meadows and waterfalls – in a word, it is very pleasant and useful to spend time in nature with your loved ones. We wrote about what sights you can see in Yablunytsya in our blog.

Holidays in the Carpathian mountains with children at any time of the year should not be boring. You can have fun in such a place not only in winter. Mountain hikes and active games in nature can always be attractive for both children and adults. However, do not forget to bring everything you need for such a trip!

If you are looking for comfortable affordable accommodation in the Carpathians, choose our Chillax hotel: you can be sure that we will meet all your expectations ❤️