The high-altitude ancient village of Yablunytsya in the Ukrainian Carpathians is one of the most attractive places for those wishing to spend their vacation among the pristine nature, in a calm and soothing atmosphere. Of course, in winter, Yablunytsya attracts tourists primarily by ski slopes, located directly near the village, as well as nearby – at the famous Ukrainian ski resort “Bukovel”. We wrote about winter holidays in the Carpathians in our blog, we advise you to read.

Отдых в Яблонице: какие достопримечательности можно здесь увидеть

However, it is worth noting that the local attractions make your vacation here interesting and varied at any time of year.

Carpathian National Nature Park

In fact, the main local attraction is the entire Carpathian National Nature Park, in which the village of Yablunytsya is located. The total area of the park is over 50 thousand hectares. It harmoniously combines unique nature, archaeological artifacts (the age of some of them reaches 15 thousand years), ancient architectural monuments and modern recreational complexes.

карпатский национальный природный парк яблуница

In the Carpathian Park you can see many different plants, animals and birds, some of which are listed in the Red Book; to drink water from mineral springs of various types; to get acquainted with the culture, way of life, customs and cuisine of the Hutsuls. For the convenience of tourists, about fifty routes have been developed in the reserve, the most popular of which are:

  1. Mount Hoverla
    As you know, Mount Hoverla is the highest mountainous elevation in Ukraine, its height is 2061 meters above sea level. Thousands of Ukrainians and guests of our country climb this mountain every year. Beautiful scenic views open from Hoverla! And climbing to the top along the easiest “green” route is available even for children!Mount Hoverla
  2. Aviary for wild animals and birds – waterfall «Maiden’s Tears»
    The open-air cage, the total area of which is more than 5 hectares, is a huge spacious open-air cage, where all conditions are created for the animals and birds living there to feel free and happy. From the enclosures, the path leads to a charming corner of the Carpathian nature – a waterfall under the poetic name Maiden’s Tears. It is impossible to describe the beauty of this place – it is a must see!Aviary for wild animals and birds - waterfall «Maiden's Tears»
  3. To the oldest tree
    A rocky path leading to the oldest giant beech in the Carpathians passes through the primeval forest – mostly beech, but in some places there are coniferous trees. For those who are not in the know, let us explain: the forest is the oldest forest, where there has never been human intervention (such as felling, the device of clearings, etc.). The only exceptions to this forest are the remains of trenches and trenches, because more than a hundred years ago the battles of the First World War took place here. Along the route, there are several observation decks offering stunning views.To the oldest tree
  4. Dovbush path
    The route passes in places associated with the activities of Oleksa Dovbush – the brave leader of the Carpathian oprishki. Oprishki in the old days were called local peasants who went to live in remote places, and from there raided the landlords’ possessions, plundering and ruining them. Dovbush forever went down in history as a Ukrainian Robin Hood, because the oprishki under his command not only destroyed IOUs and robbed the rich, but also distributed a significant part of the selected to the poor. Along the path of Dovbush, there are many unique man-made stone monuments dedicated to the memory of the oprishki – the first Ukrainian partisans.Dovbush path

Yablunetsky pass

Every tourist vacationing in Yablonitsa, of course, visits the Yablunets Pass, which was formerly called the Tatar Pass, because it is well known that in the XIII century it was here that the Tatar-Mongol hordes passed from conquered Kievan Rus further – in southwestern Europe. Now it is equipped with excellent observation decks and a souvenir market, where you can buy traditional Hutsul products and products, as well as local medicinal herbs.

Яблунецкий перевал

Mountain Valley Peppers

Mountain Valley Peppers is a kind of Carpathian mini-Disneyland. Definitely worth a visit, especially if you came to the Carpathians on vacation with children! Various attractions, master classes in traditional local crafts, Hutsul songs and dances, delicious local food will not leave anyone indifferent!

Полонины перцы

How to find out about all the attractions nearby Yablunytsya?

Everything is very simple! Choose the Chillax guest house in Yablunytsya for accommodation – its owners and staff are well aware of all local attractions, will gladly tell you about them and advise on where to visit and what to see first, in accordance with your interests and wishes.

Moreover, if you arrive at the Chillax Hotel without your own car, an inexpensive transfer will be organized for you – wherever you want!