Relatively recently, in the village of Polyanytsya near the Bukovel ski resort (immediately behind the Lake of Youth), another tourist location appeared – the open-air ethnographic complex “Hutsul Land”. This ethnopark is like a time machine. Once on its territory, you will be able to see with your own eyes what the Hutsul region was like 100-150 years ago, as well as get acquainted with the peculiarities of life and way of life of the local population who lived in those days.

The areas of greatest interest to visitors are:

  • hutsul grazhda (a complex of huts and outbuildings forming an enclosed courtyard);
  • potter’s house;
  • molfar’s house;
  • weaver’s house;
  • hunting lodge;
  • shepherd’s house.

It is worth noting that all this is not a new building, but authentic wooden structures built at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries. All of them were carefully disassembled, transported from various parts of the Hutsul region and reassembled here, on the territory of the ethnopark. Their interior decoration has also been recreated with maximum precision, in compliance with all ancient technologies. Inside each of these buildings there is authentic furniture, household items and means of production.

Unlike ordinary museums, where, as a rule, even touching the exhibits is prohibited, in the Hutsul Land ethnopark guests are offered full interactivity: you can go into the house and sit on a bench, admiring the lit fire in the stove; grind wheat flour on millstones; try to make any product on a pottery wheel; weave cloth on a loom; play the cymbals and even take direct part in the theatrical rite of the Hutsul wedding.

There is also a petting zoo where roe deer, mouflons, goats, sheep of various breeds, pheasants, peacocks, ornamental chickens, as well as other animals and birds live in natural conditions. Most of them are already so accustomed to visitors that they are not at all afraid of people. Moreover, they themselves approach tourists, begging them for a treat. If you want to take a photo with any of them, they will be happy to pose in front of the camera with you!

By the way, there are several original and unique photo zones here where you can take unique pictures for posting on your pages on social networks. We also recommend visiting the «Skrinya» gallery, where there are many exhibits telling about the life, customs and traditions of the local population – Hutsuls, Lemkos and Boykos. If there is such a desire, then in the gallery you can buy your favorite works of art by Ukrainian artists.

In addition, Hutsul Land has a Carpathian Cinema Club. Here, visitors to the ethnopark can watch the best films shot in the Carpathians. At the same time, spectators sit on stumps and logs covered with sheep skins, and the whitewashed wall of the hut serves as a screen. Naturally, on the territory of the ethnographic complex there is also a place where you can have a snack – the «Babin Bograch» tavern. In this establishment, almost everything has been recreated as it was in the old days, and the menu includes traditional Hutsul dishes and drinks.

Take a trip back in time – visit the «Hutsul Land» ethnopark!

Where is located

Polianytsia, Ivano-Frankivsk region.

Location on the map